Internal Store Pages are listings which contain information about a non-steam game. OpenGameInstaller automatically creates listings for games that are from Steam, but games which aren’t in Steam must have an internal game store.
Adding a Search Function
Firstly, you must create a search function which provides results for games when requested by the client. You can do this by creating an event handler for the library-search
addon.on('library-search', (text, event) => {
appID: 1, // the appID used when sent to your addon for information about the listing.
capsuleImage: '',
name: 'Test App'
To handle searches, we recommend using js-search
to query! You can get this library from npm, like so:
$ bun add js-search
$ bun add -D @types/js-search
Adding a Store Page
To provide the store page for the appID provided, create an event handler for the game-details
event. This event provides the appID, which you can use to get the application information.
addon.on('game-details', (appID, event) => {
appID: appID,
basicDescription: 'The Coolest Test App',
capsuleImage: '',
description: '<h1>hello world</h1>' // can be rendered as html!,
coverImage: '',
name: 'Test App',
developers: ['OGI Developers'],
headerImage: '',
publishers: ['OGI Developers'],
releaseDate: new Date().toISOString(),
The description
property can be used to provide rich content about the game in html.